Remember to use the submit button here as usual! It’ll take you where you need to go!
Month: March 2015

Today’s Asian Challenge is… pets being better at something than their masters!
With MLP and stuff! So Opal trumping Rarity, Peewee beating Spike, et cetera.
At what is up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Late Reminder!

Because it’s so late we’ll host the challenge a little later too. See you at 7:30 instead of 7! Half hour later!
Apologies for the issue!
Heh, it’s ridiculous the prices, am I right?
Artists Included:
JoeyH3 (
Submissions are Closed!
Art coming in just a moment! Right here to this Tumblr once more!
Submission Box Is Open!
We have routed our new submission system through our submissions on Tumblr! This means you just click the ol’ submission button and do what it says there!
Should be as simple as picking your image after clicking a button. Then adding your artist details if you want to. Then submit!
Today’s American Challenge is… Buying something rediculous / rediculously expensive!
Both is best but one will do!
Have your pony of choice do the deed! Will they regret it, embrace it, or funny third thing? Up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
One Hour Reminder!
See you soon for the next challenge!
As a heads up we will be trying out a new submission system!
It’s a very straight forward system so you shouldn’t have any troubles with it.
It should allow us to return to our former style of using Tumblr as our primary site but without the security risks. In fact it should hopefully be even easier for us than before AND automatically credit those wishing we’d tag artists and list them- IF that’s what the artist wants, it’s totally optional so anonymity is still an option.
Here’s hoping you guys like it :3
No Submissions!
Better luck next time I suppose.
Submissions are open!
See you shortly with the swaps!