One Hour Reminder!

We’ve got an art up on DA!
Time to see the princess of love!
Today’s European Challenge is… Princess Cadance!
Draw her in any form you like doing anything you like with anyone you like!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you soon for the next challenge!
No Asian Challenge this morning due to an alarm slip up.
If requested I can run a late challenge though, just let me know.
Over on DA! Go and check it out ^^
Sorry for the delay, having some technical issues on my end.
Things should continue to run as they have though, box will close at the usual time.
Today’s American Challenge is… Rarity and nerdiness!
Does she like nerds? Is she secretly a big nerd? She certainly seems to have something going on here! But what exactly is up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you soon for the next challenge!