Art is up!
Month: March 2015
Submissions are open!
Get them thar arts in :3 you’ve got 15 minutes!
Today’s Asian Challenge is… the many musical talents of Pinkie Pie!
Just look at all those instruments! Who knows what else she can play!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun :3
One Hour Reminder!

See you in an hour for the next challenge!
Submissions are closed!
Art is up on DA!
Submissions are open!
Fluttershy was caught by her own shadow. Again. Darn it.
Today’s American Challenge is… Flutterspy!
Draw this large and inconspicuous bunny disguised pone!
Beyond that what’s going on is up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun ^^
Challenge is on in about 35 minutes.
Sorry about earlier, my net was having issues. I just got it restored after messing with a router for a good while.
Hey guys, wanted to letcha know that I had a submission coming, but my mom called me during, so it’s not gonna be done on time. Still, I wanna complete it, so you’ll have one to ook forward to for roundup. Thanks, and sorry bout that.
No worries! These things happen! It’s one of the reasons we started The Roundup!
We look forward to seeing it later for The Roundup ^^
In the meantime folks you can pop over to DA to see Empyu’s submission!
Submissions are open!
Get your ponies of clay and gold and so on in!