Art going up on DA!
Month: March 2015
Submissions Are Open!
Show us what Tumblr thinks you’re into!
Today’s Asian Challenge is… your recommended searches!
You can do two redos on it but if you do a redo you can’t go back to a previous result!
Draw whatever you want from it, try to include as much as you can manage :3
If somehow ponies aren’t in there at all find a way to squeeze some pony in, of course.
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
One Hour Reminder!
See you soon for the next challenge!
Submissions are closed!
Art going up on DA!
Submissions are open!
Time to see what our favorite author got up to!
Today’s American Challenge is… draw A.K. Yearling! As A.K. Yearling that is, rather than her alter ego.
You can do whatever else otherwise :3
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
50 Minute Reminder!
See you soon for the next challenge!
No submissions
Poo, I guess Disney princesses just aren’t popular anymore :c
Sub box is open!
Be sure to submit over on dA! Or here if you don’t have a dA and we’ll get it up for you c: