Today’s Non Pony Challenge is… Robin Hood!

Personally I think it’d be nice to focus on the Disney Version shown here, but if you really want a different Robin Hood that’s totally fine too. I mean have you ever heard of Rocket Robin Hood? It’s hilarious.

Anyway! Like I was saying, Robin Hood. Any characters from your preferred version are fine :3

Ponifications are welcome if desired as usual.

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Today’s European Challenge is… to draw someone else as a zebra! Can be a pony, spike, a griffon, whatever ya like. Just a different mlp species/character as a Zebra instead!

If I were you guys I’d consider being a little liberal on how you think of zebras, what with all the multicolored horses and such going around. Just a thought, up to you of course.

Anyway, you’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~