Submissions Are Open!
You’ve got 15 minutes to show us dat Dashturbation!
Submissions Are Open!
You’ve got 15 minutes to show us dat Dashturbation!
Story time!
I found myself pondering what to do for this challenge. It didn’t take long before a pun popped into my head. And as we all know the pun must be obeyed.
So today for the Asian Challenge I bring you… Dashturbation. It’s time for some lewd Rainbow Dash getting her Dashturbate on.
Beyond that what happens is up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you soon for the next challenge!
Some cute cuddles, and deep thought.
Artists Included:
Imani (
Velexane (
And the very reason the moon glows such a magnificent white!
Great group of submissions tonight, much love for the moon princess! We’ll see you guys tomorrow for more challenges!
Artists Included:
mpushomework (
I’ll have your submissions up soon!
You have just 15 minutes to get your entries in!
Today’s American challenge is…Luna on the moon! What do you think the princess of the night did while banished to this desolate hunk of rock for a thousand years?
You have 30 minutes for arting, then 15 to submit!
American challenge starts in an hour!
Celestia’s got nothing on the Flying Spaghetti Pony.
Artists Included:
Empyu (
fuchsianmilk (