Submissions coming right up!
Month: September 2015
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit! Gogogo!

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… the St Louis Crystal Fair mascots!

Coming up this weekend is none other than the St Louis Crystal Fair, the Gateway to the West’s very own MLP:FiM convention! Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is to draw one, some, or all of their mascots: Ravs, Buckweiser, Flying Spirit, or even the mischievous prankster Pun Salad!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art source: Lamiaaaa
Challenge in 1 hour!
Twilight Challenge in an hour. Prepare your stylus~

The box is closed!
There were no submissions! All of you are sentenced to Princess Jail! 1,000 years dungeon! No trial! The train for Stalliongrad leaves in one hour! Don’t be late!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit! Don’t be late, or you know what Celestia will do!

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… too late! missed the deadline! TARDY!!

It’s like Twilight Sparkle’s worst nightmare. Tardiness! Everything hinged on you and you missed the deadline. Now it’s all ruined. Guess we’ll be sent to Princess Jail. In Stalliongrad. My anxiety is already rising. Your challenge is to draw some tardy ponies!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Try not to be late!!
Chrissy Lick
I tried to participate in the 30 minute challenge a few nights ago, with the theme Celestia and Chrysalis! I was done and ready to submit and the file got corrupted! Well SAI who won now? I drew it again and BAM! Got it done!
Dogg Sites, if you would like to follow elsewhere.
Oh shoot! *w* ♥
Late reminder!
Cadance Challenge at the normal time! 1pm Central! Be there!

Stormy isn’t as young as she used to be, but I bet she can still make the clouds shake!
Thanks for the work tonight, cheers and see you next time!
Artists Included:
fearingfun (
dogg (