Box is open, get those draws in!
Month: September 2015
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… ponies with facial hair! Manly, classy, and sophisticated, a good beard or mustache can really bring a whole look together. The ponies above are just examples, feel free to put a beard on anypony you like; just get it done in thirty minutes!
Luna Challenge in 45, see you there!
The box is closed!
Submissions to come soon!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit! Gogogo!

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Mysteries!

The weird, the paranormal, the occult, the just plain strange… Equestria is full of unknown and mysterious relics and creatures! Your challenge is to draw whatever obscure oddity from Equestria tickles your fancy!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
1 hour reminder!
Challenge in an hour! 7pm Central! Be there!
The box is closed.
The box is closed. There were no submissions. Celestia is displeased.
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit! Gogogo!