Month: October 2015
About yesterday’s gala dress challenge…
Someone sent me a message saying they sent one in, but we never got it. I messaged them back saying they could submit and all, but I haven’t heard back.
I don’t recall the name unfortunately, so, just making this message so they know for sure they can still submit that if they want and we’ll put it up.
Paws just can’t kick trees the same!
Thanks for participating M.Kog! Hope ya had fun :3
We’ll see you guys at the Cadance for more challenge! Buh bye for now~
Artists Included:
M.Kogwheel (
Submissions are open!
Just 15 minutes left!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Applejack as a Griffon!
How would things be different? How would things be the same? Show us what you think!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you in 55 minutes for the next challenge!
No draws tonight. Ah well, cheers and see you next time!
Box is open, get those draws in!
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… this little filly with the freakish amazing super strength! I dunno if she has an officially agreed upon name yet, but I know she’s cute! Draw her doing whatever you like, you’ve got thirty minutes, go go go!