Month: October 2015
Look at all these mares NOT looking at explosions! Can we handle this level of cool?! I do hope someone is ready to clean up all these messes, though…
Thanks for the submissions tonight, everyone, cheers and see you next time!
Artists Included:
johansrobot (
hackd (
Empyu (
jcosneverexisted (
And this, kids, is why they tell you to always wear protection! That’s gonna leave a mark.
Artists Included:
All submissions anonymous
BOOM! Box open, submit those draws!
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… explosions! What if a pony exploded… and then exploded again?! Or anything exploding, really. There’s a lot of ways to interpret this one, just draw some explosions! Thirty to draw and fifteen to submit, good luck!
The Luna Challenge happens in 45 minutes, I’ll see you there!
What differentiates a god and a pony anyway? Are we all just monsters in each others’ eyes?
Artists Included:
DGDoubleDrift (
Mabu (
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
hackd (
The box is closed!
Submissions coming soon!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit! Gogogo!

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Greek Mythology!

That’s right, it’s another non-pony challenge! Of course, you can still draw pones if’n ya’ wanna draw pones. The choice is yours and yours alone! In any case, your theme is Greek Mythology! A vast pantheon of gods and goddesses of major and minor standing, all being quite meddlesome in the lives of us puny mortals. Remind you of certain princesses? In any case, draw some fukken deities!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art sources: