Box is open, please insert bees.
Month: January 2016
The Luna Challenge is… bees..? Something to do with bees. Flutterbee, bee monsters, bees as ponies, ponies as bees, or whatever else. You’ve got thirty minutes to draw some bees, good luck!
Luna Challenge approaches!
Ey, some really cool draws! Gilda and Dash both seem to be rockin’ their new looks, but maybe flying will take a bit of getting used to in those new bodies!
Thanks for participating tonight, everyone! Cheers and see you next time~
Artists Included:
Empyu (http://)
Zer0_Friction (http://)
hackd (
purplehorsedrawswhatever (
Time to get those draws in!
May I reblog your recent challenge? I find it very interesting and while I don’t have the time to enter, my followers might ^^;
Sure, you can always reblog stuff from us. If people wanna participate or use old ideas all the more power to them.
With old ideas they could even submit them to The Roundup when we do those and we’d post them!
Tonight’s challenge is a species swap! Draw Rainbow Dash as a griffon and/or Gilda as a pony. Swap one, swap both, do whatever you want. But do it in thirty minutes, good luck!
Twi Challenge in an hour, see you there!
Coffee is love. Coffee is life. Send help.
Artists Included:
It says “FFVIIHD”. Uh, what kind of thermometer even is this?
Artists Included:
Nova Spark (