Babs what.. I… I don’t even think I wanna know. And poor, poor Scootaloo, did you think we forgot about you? Don’t worry, you’re still my favorite crusader. Maybe after Babs saves the universe from the evils of Rarity or some such she can give you a haircut and make you all pretty for your turn!

Thanks for the arts!

Artists Included:

BronyGuard (
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
Outofworkderpy (
M. Kogwheel (

You’ve probably already figured out what tonight’s Twilight challenge is. So with no further delay, it’s…

Babs Seed!

That’s right, that other member of the CMC who hasn’t had terribly much screentime since she kinda lives not in Ponyville. She does have some sweet hair goin’ on there though. Just look at that majesty.

Your challenge is to draw Babs Seed!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!

I feel pretty sicky so I was sleeping for the Cadance and the fill in didn’t get their notice until it was too late, sorry about that.

Also, don’t forget…

Send a message to the challenge blog if you want a shot at a free game, raffle thinger will go down today after the Twilight Challenge.

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… sexy casual! I suppose that’s a bit hard to define, really. Whatever you think fits the bill aside from 100% nude should do, heh.

Have your favorite pones, griffons, dragons, or whatever, show off their chill sexiness! Maybe their bedhead is even extremely attractive to you? Whatever!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~