Today’s Bonus Challenge is… what the shit is this?

Well there’s a new line of toys I guess called Guardians of Harmony. It’s the horse. But with accessories from super hero toys from when I was like 8. For some reason.

ANYWAY. Today we’re going to be drawing Chrysalis and her sweet neon green leg wheels. The rest of that stuff is optional.

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~


Today’s Cadance Challenge is… random shipping!

We’ll use this generator.

You can choose the settings for it, but you only get one go, no trying for a different pair >:D

Personally i would say turn on everything and see what happens, but as I said, up to you what you want on.

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

EDIT: Noticed you can even add more partners to the relationship and so on, feel free to do so if you wish using the plus button.

Bringin’ back a classic! Sorry for the lack of notice! Rules same as above! Have fun!