Today’s Luna challenge is… hwuh?

I thought it’d be a fun one to go for a bimbo challenge. As I started to do so I found one of the top results was ‘bimbo bakeries’.

Seemed like a fun, narrower, concept to go with to me XD

So, in essence, draw some mlp bakers… bimbo-fied!

Can guys be bimbos? I’m going with yes for the hell of it.

You’ve got Sugar Belle, The Cakes, Applejack fits I suppose… whoever ya wanna try it out with! Wacky times!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Twi’s a nonpony challenge tonight, so let’s have some pets!  Littlest Pet Shop is that other Hasbro toy line show about big-eyed talking animals and their adventures.  Oh and there’s some humans too, I guess.  Draw them doing whatever, you’ve got thirty minutes, good luck!

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Shining Armor!

Twilight’s brother is a tireless defender of the land of Equestria. Yet he also seems to find time to hang out with his little sister and he even married her foalsitter, who also happens to be a rare and elusive alicorn-type. Eat your heart out, Fleur. And what’s this? There’s a foal on the way? You’re a busy pony, aren’t you Shining?

Your challenge is to draw some fukken’ Shining Armor!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!