Submissions coming right up!
Month: February 2016
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit! Gogogo!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.

Everypony needs that special something to help them along their way, or else terrible things could happen! Your challenge is to draw whatever it is that is going to spell the difference between success or failure. The adventure at hand? That’s for you to decide!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art source:
Late reminder!
Luna challenge in just over 50 minutes, usual time of 1am Central! See ya’ then!

Awww, don’t make the poor dog sing. Let Pinkie do it instead, she loves the spotlight!
Thanks for the draws, you two! Cheers and see you next time~
Artists Included:
BronyGuard (
Time to submit stuff.
Today’s Twi Challenge is… song and dance numbers! And I don’t mean planned stage performances. I just mean ponies bursting into song in the middle of something else to convey story or emotion. Maybe with onlookers in the background looking at them funny. Or joining in. Choice of who and why is up to you, I’ll give you 45 minutes, good luck!
Challenge in 50, see you soon!
Seems there was a schedule error on the box for the bonus challenge earlier.
We did get this one in the other box though! If anyone else drew for that one feel free to submit up through the next challenge!
The box is closed.
There were no submissions.