Sorry guys, still cutting out some today :T this one wasn’t even mine to cover too. Ah well.

Box is open! I’ll leave it open for a good while to make up for the bull and hopefully the net will cooporate and I’ll get to get ‘em up soon. Thanks for your patience.

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Pinkie as a unicorn!


Well something’s gone a bit haywire and suddenly Pinkie has found herself with a nifty new attachment. A magical attachment. That’s right, she’s a unicorn now!


What does this mean for our hyperspastic little ball of laughter? How does she approach her newfound magic? Will she go mad with power? You decide!


You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!

Art sources:

… well, Sunset is technically a pony. But that’s no human petting her. Is it?

So confused…

At least multicolor horse is straight forward.

See you folks next time for more challenge! Hope ya had fun~

We’ll see ya in an hour for a bonus challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

M. Kogwheel (
lumineko (

Today’s Celestia challenge is… pettin’ the ponies wif yer hands!

Pick any pony or other mlp creature and give them some scratchies or pets!

Diagram above is simply for flavor, pet wherever at artist discretion.

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~