Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is… Pipsqueak!

Ah Pip, our favorite colt from Trottingham with the delectable accent. Staunch supporter of Princess Luna and probably actually a pirate. Just don’t gobble his backside. Your challenge is to draw some Pipsqueak!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!

Today’s bumbled into bonus challenge is…. a non pony challenge!

This time around it’s simply to draw anything from the most recent game you’ve played (or one of the main ones if you’ve got a few in the air).

Simple as that, anything you like from one of your games!

EDIT: All derp today folks! Tis a 45 minute challenge with 15 to submit, sorry if there was any confusion.

I meant to put ‘an hour and 25′ earlier but somehow the hour part got lost. Appologies for those that were kept waiting 🙁 due to the slip up I’ll start the bonus at 11 AM to make sure folks have a chance to see it.