Challenge is on as usual in 50 minutes!
Someone thought they could be clever and ‘fix’ the internet while I was sleeping. Always a classic. Classic failure / way to piss me off.
Challenge is on as usual in 50 minutes!
Someone thought they could be clever and ‘fix’ the internet while I was sleeping. Always a classic. Classic failure / way to piss me off.
No submissions for this one. Thats what happens with lateness though I suppose.
We’ll see you later with more on time challenges! Bye for now!
Since this is a late challenge why don’t we rummage around in the past?
Today’s Late Cadance Challenge is simply to draw Chrysalis!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Gah, Cadance always suffers it seems. Right in the middle of the day, prone to more crap interfering…
I’ll throw a challenge up in half an hour, see you then I hope.
The box isn’t full of unwanted babies! Aww…
See you guys next time for more challenge o3o bye for now~
And you should be too if you don’t want to be killed by the baby D:
See you in 15 minutes!
For today’s Celestia Challenge lets start with some low hanging fruit… it’s Princess Hellbeast! I mean Death Sneezer! I mean Flurry Heart!
You can do whatever floats your boat with this precious little atrocity against all things holy o3o
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~