Today’s Twi Challenge is… ponies in pantsu! Panties, underwear, what have you. Lacy, sporty, plain, striped; we welcome all styles here. Ponies don’t normally wear clothes, so surely the lewdness only goes up when they wear undergarments like this~ You’ve got thirty minutes to draw somepony in some panties, good luck!
Month: April 2016
Woops, late reminder. 20 til challenge~
The box is closed.
Submissions coming right up!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!
Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Button Mash (and/or his mom)!

Video games. Video games are love. Video games are life. Maybe one day Sweetie Belle will understand. She just doesn’t take them seriously. But Button Mash… Button Mash does. The quests must be completed! The world must be saved! The levels must be gained! ALL OF THEM! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Your challenge is to draw some fukken’ Button Mash. And/or his mom. Because she’s around like ALL THE TIME. You’d think she’d have something…. much more important.. to do.. or.. something.

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Have fun!
Art sources:
1 hour reminder!
Prepare your stylus~

Dat ass B)
Thanks for participating Kebo! Hope ya had fun!
We’ll see you folks later for more challenge! Bye for now~
Artists Included:
Keboponda (
Just 15 more minutes until butts!
For today’s late Celestia Challenge… butts!
Normally I wouldn’t run a challenge that is merely butts. But this episode was rife with rump. I mean cripes!
So, do something with butt shenanigans, the rest is up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit!! Have fun~