Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Zipzee!

You may know Seabreeze, but do you know Zipzee? You see my little ponies, far away there was a land known as Breezy Blossom, and it was full of breezies! Among them lived Zipzee, a brave yet carefree breezie who maybe happened to have a slight allergy to flowers.

Don’t believe me? Just ask Spike! He was there! Though it mighta been another lifetime, or a fever dream, or something…

Anyway, draw some fukken’ Zipzee!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Have fun!

Art sources:

Today’s Luna Challenge is… Rarity and / or Maud and the Giraffe!

Is this to scale with real giraffes for them? Was Maud truly admiring it?

Just do anything you want with one of those two at least and a giraffe of some kind and you’re all good :3

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~