Up first we got some smexy Judy Hopps. Adorable trash indeed.
Artists Included:
kinkypinkie (http://kinkypinkie-art.tumblr.com)
Up first we got some smexy Judy Hopps. Adorable trash indeed.
Artists Included:
kinkypinkie (http://kinkypinkie-art.tumblr.com)
Submissions coming right up!
The box is open! You have 15 minutes to submit! Anything and everything, come one, come all! After this, we return to our normal levels of hectic chaos. O’course, if you liked any of the challenges or want to polish up anything you’ve made or any ideas floatin’ about in your noggin, there’s always the roundup~
15 minutes. Time’s running. Gogogo!
Leave it to our mascot to put you all up to this. Madness? This. is. APRIL FOOLS!
We hope you’ve had fun with our shenanigans of the day, and maybe got some art practice in as well! That’s… what, a 7-in-1 challenge? ‘course you can do one, or any, or all, or whatever combination you want. The box does not care. The box is just a box.
10 minutes to go, then 15 to submit!
Is.. is that.. singing?
Wait.. I know those voices.
Friends, I think we’ve stumbled across the Dazzlings. How’d they even get here? Maybe they know the way out. I can’t shake the smell of french fries.
15 minutes to go.
Art source:
Everything is potatoes.
20 minutes remain.
Brr. Why is everything suddenly cold and rust?
… Well dang. Seems we’ve found ourselves in Silent Hill. Shoulda known Tales wasn’t far away. Let’s uh… let’s try to find our way out of here. And… and maybe try to not die. I can’t draw my way out of a kids’ maze, so uh.. lead the way?
We’ve got 30 minutes to get out of here. Wretched Tooth, you knew the truth all along! We were just too blind to see!
Aww what the heck, I was digging around and discovered that I was *supposed* to be running a gen 2 challenge. My bad.
So, uhm, yeah. My Little Pony Tales. The early 90s version of our beloved equines. Featuring some of our favorite ponies in ways we’ve never seen them before. They walk on two legs! And use tools as if they had hands, but… we only see hooves! What is this madness? Draw some fukken’ My Little Pony Tales!
You’ve got 35 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Clock is still ticking. Heck, we’ll just.. we’ll just take anything you’ve drawn so far. Draw something new, keep petting your lizards, combine it all into a mess that can only be called art. The choice is yours and yours alone!
BREAKING NEWS! The current challenge has been taken over by our reptilian overlords!
In case you failed to notice somehow, a very important decision was made today. One that will decide the future for all of us on tumblr. In honor of that decision, tonight’s Luna challenge is now for the lizards!
That’s right, Mop might have won, but Rick, Deborah, and Wretched Tooth still need your love! “But my waifu!” you cry, aghast. She’s trash anyway. She could use a lizard or two to cheer her up, don’t ya think?
Clock is ticking. 40 minutes remain.
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Your Waifu! IS TRASH!
It’s a nonpony challenge, but I’m certain many of you have pony waifus, so whatever floats your boat! Just remember the golden rule: Your waifu IS trash! No exceptions! She may be perfect in every way, but she’s still absolute garbage. Disgusting.
I’m feeling generous coming off of the shenanigans of today, so we’ll make it a 45 minute challenge. All the more time to polish up your pristine garbage. As always, have fun!