Welp for now I’ll post the one submission we got, but if any of you folks have stuff the box will remain open!

That’s some good butt to touch, yeah buddy o3o/) Bloom knows it, Pembroke knows it, we all know it.

Thanks for participating Pem, hope you had fun!

We’ll see you folks later for more, less insane, challenges. G’bye for now!

Artists Included:

pembrokewkorgi (http://pembrokewkorgi.tumblr.com)

Dang man, I was wrong. I’m so bad at this tody. Now we need to examine our love of anime while we contemplate the mortality and loss of inocence of even Gaku. That is this Cell Challenge.

You’ve got 5 minutes to crate followed by 10 minutes to submit! 

Crap on a cracker I just realized we are seriously low on brightly colored equines! The hell is that about!?

Well, to cap this off, finish it up nicely… lets just add some more pony to things. However you’d like.

In all seriousness you’ve got 15 minutes to finish up followed by 15 minutes to submit. Have fun~

For today’s Sun Horse Tribute… well, I don’t know about you but I’m full of classy art and burger and tiddie. But I could go for some game.

None of that casual shit dinks play, we need some battle dragns! Give me that sweet Bimmy or GET OUT.

You’ve got 30 minutes to pop a pimple or scratch a zit or something followed by 5 minutes to cram in in there!

For Today’s Kelsestria Challong… man, guys, I just… I was hungry for burgs. But now I’m hungry for some gigundo booooob. Add some boob to them bobs or something. But lets keep it CLASSY in here okay? We need it to be fine ass art like mona mellons or whatever.

You’ve got 27 Minutes to sculpt this digital clay followed by 15 minutes to submit!

For today’s Cellery Challenge, fuck. Man. I am done with this butt shenanigans. The real challenge is to draw some Bob Burgers cuz I am hungry as shit.

Get on it nerds, you’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit!

For today’s Celestia Challenge… Someone keeps touching Applejack’s butt!

Who is doing this? Why? How good is the butt?

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~