Month: May 2016
The box is closed.
Submissions coming right up!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Plaid Stripes!
Silver Spoon’s worst nightmare, or something, this precocious filly from Manehattan has all the ideas. All of them. They may seem silly to you, but she’s already landed a gig in one of the hippest fashion shops on the strip. Y’know, THE strip. Saddle Row baby! How do ya’ like them apples? Your challenge is to draw some fukken’ Plaid Stripes!
You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art sources:
1 hour reminder! For real this time!
Sorry about falling off the face of the planet earlier. Life decided to slap me around a bit. I’m back now and hopefully nothing’s gonna interfere with tonight’s Luna challenge. See you in an hour!
1 hour reminder!
Prepare your stylus~
No arts for that one. We’ll see you next time for more challenge folks. later!
Just 15 minutes to rescue the Rarity!
Today’s Cadance Challenge is episode 19, the one with them thar dogs. Also Saphire Shores and delusional imaginings!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~