Sorry for the delay, submissions are open! I’ll tack on a few more minutes because of the error!
Month: June 2016
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… window washing!
Can be any windows and any washer you want to do the washing!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you in an hour for the next challenge!
The box is closed.
Submissions coming right up!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is…

Your princess demands it! Draw some fukken’ bread, yo!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art sources:
1 hour reminder!
Prepare your stylus~

I had no idea Link had such a thing for burgers. Resisting smashing pots all day must be hard work though, eat up my dude.
Thanks for participating guys! Hope ya had fun~
We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bai bai~
Artists Included:
SomaliSalami (
FlutterThrash (
Pabbles (