Today’s Celestia challenge is doughnut Joe! Joe is the owner of Spikes favorite doughnut shop, and the creator of one of the best pieces of food architecture in the show. What is Joe up to this morning?

You have 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Tonight’s challenge is… lightning!  Y’know, that thing what happens during storms.  Or when the dramatic tension calls for it.  Or when a pegasus kicks a cloud.  Anywho, draw some lightning happening; thirty, fifteen, you know how it goes, get drawing!

Getting clean, or just relaxing… all of these ponies are certainly wet! Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later for more challenge!

Artists Included:

Fawness (
BronyGuard (
Punk-Pegasus (
Pabbles (

Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is… Wet Manes!

The classic returns! Everypony loves a pony with a dripping wet mane! Even if the ponies with said wet manes don’t exactly enjoy the experience themselves. Or maybe they do. Maybe it’s situational? In any case, draw some wet manes!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!

Art sources: