now’s your chance to submit, you’ve got 15 minutes!

now’s your chance to submit, you’ve got 15 minutes!
Today’s Twilight challenge is… Night Glider!
She was once part of Starlight’s Cult Town but she helped the mane 6 free everypony from Starlight’s grasp!
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
A Twilight challenge is coming your way! Get ready!
Twi….you cant go UP the slide… Come on, i thought your booksmart.
lol thx for submitting Willtngl!
Artists Included:
Willtngl (
Box is open!
Today for Prince Ruther err Princess Cadance. We got Season 5 Episode 11
“Party Pooped”
This was an interesting Episode. “This isnt Yak Hay!!”
Draw your favorite moment from the episode. 45 Minutes, 15 Minutes to submit!
Coming soon to your screens! Cadance Challenge!
I guess that’s another way Twilight could have taught Dash a lesson.
Thank you, Pabbles for submitting.
We hope to see everyone in a little while for the Cadence Challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Box is closed. Art will be up soon.
Box is open! You have 15 minutes to get your art submitted!