See you in an hour for the Celestia Challenge!
Month: August 2016
Twilight’s definitely building something sinister, I can feel it!
Thanks to everyone who participated! We’ll see you in the morning for the Celestia Challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
I guess Twilight wanted to expand more than her mind!
Artists Included:
Nova Spark (
The box is closed! submissions will be up in just a moment!
The box is open!

What has Science done?! you’ve got 15 minutes to submit!
Things are going mad! Tonight’s challenge is, Mad Scientist Twilight!
What sort of crazy experiments is she conducting?!
You’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit!
Prepare yourselves, a Luna challenge is coming your way in one hour!
Those poor ponies pestered by a pranking plant!
Thanks to all the participants. See you all tonight for the Luna Challenge!
Artists Included:
helix (
Yuki (http://)
kagenekosama (
Pabbles (
Submission box is now closed. The submissions will be up shortly!
You have 15 minutes to submit! Lets see what pranks the plant played on ponies!