I’ll be straight with you- I forgot this one was mine. I remember reminding myself earlier in the day too…
Regardless, if you folks are still up for it I’ll run a challenge in half an hour (to give you time to see this). Let me know, alright?
I’ll be straight with you- I forgot this one was mine. I remember reminding myself earlier in the day too…
Regardless, if you folks are still up for it I’ll run a challenge in half an hour (to give you time to see this). Let me know, alright?
Nothing this time!
Oh well, see you later for the Twilight Challenge!
It’s time to play the music,
It’s time to light the lights,
it’s time to post some entries
on the submission box tonight!
On the Cadence Challenge today is… the stage manager pony from Las Pegasus.
No clue what his name is exactly, though judging by his interesting appearance, I wanna call him… Scooter?!
Well, draw whatever you like with this pony! You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit.
Have Fun!
Get ready for the Cadance Challenge, cause it’s a-comin!
Does anypony need some more spices? Because we have excessive amounts of salt!
Thank you to everyone for participating!
We hope to see you back here for more challenges!
Artists Included:
Keboponda (http://keboponda.tumblr.com)
TellyWeb Cartoons (http://tellywebtoons.deviantart.com)
UltraDerpyMuffin (http://fluffyrainbowkitty.deviantart.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
Box closed. Art on its way
You have 15 minutes to get your art in!
Today’s Celestia challenge is ponies being salty!
What is making these ponies so upset, angry and agitated? Why are they so salty?
You have 30 minutes to create and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Challenge coming up in 1 hour!