I got it. Fortunately. Box is open now.
Month: September 2016
Today on Cadance Challenge. Mothers of the show! Give them some love an support by having them doing whatever. 30 and 15. Lets see some mother love!
See thee in thy hr!
He’s a lot better when he doesn’t talk, eh?
Thanks for participating guys! Hope ya had fun~
See you later for more stuff! Buh bye for now!
Artists Included:
Keboponda (http://keboponda.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
Just 15 minutes left~
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Gladmane! Everybody’s ‘friend’!
You’ve got 30 minutes to do whatever ya want with him followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun 😀
See you in 35 minutes for the next challenge!
We got some fine vintage memes right here eeyup. Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later for more challenge!
Artists Included:
BendyCindy (http://bendycindy.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
The box is closed.
Submissions coming right up!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!