Box is open, srry ya’ll. got a bit side tracked an also thought it was a 45 min lol
Month: September 2016
For todays challenge. Rainbow Dash found a strange portal an was brought into the world of Minecraft. What awaits for her in this new world? You decide!
ya have 30 minutes and 15 to submit!
See ya in a hr!
Bluenote is looking real cool with his sax!
Thanks for the art, Pabbles.
We hope to see everyone out here later for the Cadance challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Box is closed. Art is on its way!
15 minutes to get your art in!
Today’s Celestia challenge is Bluenote! The CMC helped him with his finding his purpose in life, but we didn’t get to join them for that adventure!
You have 45 minutes to create and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!
Get your drawing stuff ready! Celestia challenge in 1 hour!
the box is closed
No submissions tonight. but that’s alright, we hope to see ya for the Luna challenge later on!

the box is open!
I feel a storm brewin….you’ve got 15 minutes!