Today’s Celestia Challenge is.. The couch.

We know Rarity uses them a lot. Is it just for dramatic purposes, to cry on or faint, or are there other uses to lie on the couch? Draw Anypony you like!

You have 45 minutes to draw, and 15 minutes to submit. OH WHAT FATE!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Petunia Paleo!

Paleontology. Or archaeology. Sure, we’ll go with that. Not like the skull and bones on her flank resemble *pony* bones, certainly not. Not like there are psychotic raiders in *this* Equestria, certainly not. Wait a tic, I think my cupcakes are done..

Anyway, tonight’s challenge is to draw the adorable filly who likes to dig up old dead stuff! Dr. Grant would be proud. Draw some fukken’ Petunia Paleo!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!

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