Ittssss that time again folks! See ya in an hr!
Month: September 2016
I think they want us to come play with them!
Thank you for the movie reference, Pabbles.
We hope to see more of you out here for later challenges!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Box is closed! Art coming soon!
Submission box is open!

You have 15 minutes to submit your movie references!
Sorry no hour reminder.
Anyway Today’s Celestia challenge is Movie References! There are dozens of movie references in MLP. Pick your favorite one and draw it!
You have 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Pone bats v Joker Pie. I had little time bit I had to try!
(Had this one get stuck in the wrong box, so I just saw it! Just a lil’ more batmin!)
I can’t think of anything witty to say other than thanks for drawing! See you next time, same Bat-Time, same Bat-Channel!
Artists Included:
Fawness (
OutofWorkDerpy | Christomancer (
Pabbles (
Time to get those Bat-Drawings into the Bat-Submission-Box!
Tonight’s challenge we’re going non-pony, so it’s… Batman! The caped crusader himself. He hardly needs an introduction, so let’s get right to the challenge! You’ve got thirty to draw and fifteen to submit, good luck!
58 til the next challenge~