you’ve got 15 minutes to submit those slithering snake ponies!

you’ve got 15 minutes to submit those slithering snake ponies!
tonight’s Luna challenge is….lamias!
Draw any pony you’d like as a lamia
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
There’s a challenge on it’s way!
And this Brae looks like he’s getting ready to have some fun~
Thanks for the belly, Pabbles; we’ll see y’all next time!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Looks like Brae’s been having some fun~
Thanks for the butt, Nod, cheers!
Artists Included:
Nodthenarcoleptic (
Tonight’s challenge is… Braeburn! What’s this apple-horse been up to? Draw him doing whoever whatever you like, you’ve got the usual thirty and fifteen, good luck!
One hour til challenge!
You participated well! Extra Credit rewarded to FlutterThrash and Vanilla Cherry Cream.
The rest of you, see me after class later for the Twilight Challenge!
Artists Included:
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
FlutterThrash (
Let’s look at how you did, class!
Time to hand in your submissions, class!