Submissions coming right up!
Month: December 2016
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Winter in Appleloosa!

The mild and wild west town of Appleloosa, where buffalo and ponies coexist in apple-based pastry glory. I hear they get winters there as well. Bitterly cold ones, in fact. With plenty of snow for all! Draw your favorite Appleloosans all decked out in their winter gear, or just wintry scenes from Appleloosa in general!

You’ve got 45 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art source:
1 hour reminder!
Prepare your stylus~

It’s okay, we can always make more candy canes and snowponies~
Thanks for the draws, you three; we’ll see ya next challenge!
Artists Included:
Yakoshi (
Hundashter (
Pabbles (
Box is open!
Tonight’s challenge is… Minty! Everyone’s favorite mint flavored colored pony! She’s a bit of a klutz, and she sure does like her socks~ Draw her doing whatever, you’ve got thirty minutes!
See you for a challenge in an hour!
Sorry folks, looks like we had a no show on this one. Look forward to the Twilight Challenge later!
Cooking with Applejack and Limestone Pie! How nice!
Thanks for Entering, Pirill!
We’ll have more challenges later!
Artists Included:
Pirill (