Hmm. Our challenge runner didn’t show up it seems :T
If you guys are still after a challenge let me know and I’ll whip one up for you starting in about a half an hour.
Hmm. Our challenge runner didn’t show up it seems :T
If you guys are still after a challenge let me know and I’ll whip one up for you starting in about a half an hour.
No drawings this time! Guess its not really the right season for Buckball… or practising!
Join us later for the Cadance Challenge though!
Play Ball!!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Buckball!
It may not be a winter sport, but just because the season is over, it doesn’t mean ponies can’t keep playing it. It could be for fun or warming up for next season!
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
We have a challenge coming up in the next hour! Be Ready!
These two seem very excited to be under the mistletoe!
Thanks for the submissions everyone! hope you all had a blast with it! We’ll see everyone for the Celestia challenge!
Artists Included:
Hundashter (
Pabbles (
let’s see what we’ve got!
you’ve got 15 minutes to submit!