It’s time to post the drawings!
Month: December 2016
The Box is Open!
Submit your Scrooges!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Glimme-nezer Scrooge!!
Starlight Glimmer plays the greedy miser in this Hearth’s Warming Tail. But just like another similar story, she gets visited by three pony spirits and teach her a lesson, while scaring the Dickens out of her. (hmmmmm, odd)
Draw Anything you like with her! You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
Be ready for the Celestia Challenge, starting in an hour!
No submissions tonight

That’s quite alright though, there’s always next time! We hope to see you all for the Celestia challenge!
the box is closed!
let’s see what we’ve got
the box is open!
you’ve got 15 minutes!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Snow ponies/ making a snow pony!
Coal eyes, awesome hat and scarves! because snow ponies need to keep warm too! …wait…
At any rate, you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
A Luna Challenge approaches! Get ready!

What mad weapons has she come up with under the tutelage of Plaid Stripes!?
Thanks for participating guys, hope you had fun!
We’ll see you later for more challenge, bye for now!
Artists Included:
Hundashter (
Bento-sama (