Just 15 minutes to submit your small nerd horse!
Month: December 2016
Time for a Twist!
Today’s Twilight Challenge is to draw this nerd o3o
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you in 50 minutes for the next challenge!
gods, potions and mods! Such a variety of things going on! Just a normal day in Skyrim!!
Thank you all for participating, I hope you had fun!
And we hope to see you back here for more challenges!!
Artists Included:
Mongol (http://yurtinthedirt.tumblr.com)
Hundashter (http://hundashter.tumblr.com/)
CaptainPudgeMuffin (http://captainpudgemuffin.deviantart.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
Box is closed. Art is on its way.
You don’t need to solve a puzzle lock to get the submission box open, I’ve already opened it!
You have 15 minutes to submit your ponies in Skyrim!
Today’s Cadance challenge is MLP Characters in Skyrim! In Skyrim you don’t ask a dragon to leave, you fight it! What other things could the MLP Characters do in Skyrim? What guilds would they join? How would they fight?
You have 45 Minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Art by:
Prepare your pencil and stylus! The Cadance Challenge starts in 1 hour!!
The Box is now Closed!

Guess the Pony Tones all got stage fright, or lost their voices today.
Be sure to join us later for the Cadance Challenge!
The Box is open!