The Celestia Challenge starts in 1 hour!! Get ready!
Month: January 2017
Double Double Diamonds gettin that d. And he should maybe consider better fitting pants. Or no pants at all, that works, too.
Thanks for the draws, you three; we’ll see ya next time!
Artists Included:
verulence (
dogg (
Yoditax (
Box is open~
Tonight’s challenge is… Double Diamond! The qt skiing pone. Equalized and boring or rad and tearing up the slopes, just get him drawn in 30 minutes~
Challenge in 53 minutes!
Luna was hip to yer may-mays before they were cool. Gummy enjoys the heat, even when it’s a bit too much for ponies.
Thanks for the draws! We’ll see you later with more challenge!
Artists Included:
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.deviantart)
Pabbles (
Pinkytone, for all your sunscreen needs! It also looks like Twilight’s been practicing growing magic again…
Artists Included:
Yoditax (
dogg (
The box is closed.
Submissions coming right up!
Also, the Roundup was supposed to be going on, but looks like the box was left closed after the last challenge. So I’ll go ahead and reopen it after posting the art for this challenge. Feel free to submit any art related to old challenges, updated pieces, fanart, yadda yadda. Last chance tho, as it will go back to the usual routine after the Luna challenge tonight!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!
Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is… Gummy!

There’s an alligator in the tub! Don’t worry tho, Pinkie’s friend has no teeth. Seems like poor Gummy will never have teeth. Good thing Pinkie’s there to take care of him! Draw some fukken’ Gummy!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!