Time to submit!!

Time to submit!!
Today’s late Cadance Challenge is… The FlutterCheer!
Fluttershy is always supportive for her friends!
Whether it’s just a simple “Yay” or really screaming loud for joy! Whatever she’s cheering for is up to you!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit!
We don’t know where are our host went for this challenge!
We’ll get a challenge up within the next 15 minutes. Are you still interested?
That’s not a fair bargain, Discord! QuickDraw will never accept your trade.
Thanks for participating, JumbleHorse!
Join us later for the Cadance Challenge!
Artists Included:
jumblehorse (http://jumblehorse.tumblr.com/)
Discord, come on down!!!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Discord!
What has our favourite creator of Chaos, and friend of Fluttershy, been up to lately? Draw anything you like with him!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
I feel safer already with these knights around!
thanks for the submissions everyone! hope you all had fun! We’ll see everyone for the Celestia challenge!
Artists Included:
Fawness (http://fawness,tumblr.com)
ThePristineEye (http://anotherdamnponyaskblog.tumbr.com)
jumblehorse (http://jumblehorse.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
let’s see those knightly ponies!