Get your stylus or pencils out! The Celestia Challenge starts in 1 hour!!
Month: February 2017
Those are some dang cute (and goofy) glasses~
Thanks for the draws; we’ll see ya next time!
Artists Included:
m0nster-c00kie (
Yakoshi (
Pabbles (
Get those draws in!
Tonight’s challenge is… glasses! Trendy, cool, sight-improving; glasses come in all shapes and styles. Draw somepony wearing a pair! You’ve got thirty minutes, good luck~
30 minutes until the next challenge!
Bars accept all patrons, from defeated villains, to consistently drunk ponies!
thanks for the submissions everyone, hope you all had a blast. We’ll see you again for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
Mongol (
Nova Spark (
jumblehorse (
sixthousandbees (
Yakoshi (
Pabbles (
the box is closed
let’s see what we’ve got!
the box is open!
you’ve got 15 minutes! let’s see those bartrotting ponies!

this evening’s Twilight challenge is….ponies at the bar!
are they partying? Perhaps they’re the bartender, or are they drinking the night away? It’s up to you to decide!
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!