You have 15 minutes to submit your art!
You have 15 minutes to submit your art!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Tree Hugger!
We haven’t seen Fluttershy’s friend in a while since they went to the Galloping Gala. What has she been up to? What does she even do? Draw anything you like with this character!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
This Seed ain’t so bad any more; in fact, she’s pretty darn cute!
Thanks for all the draws tonight. Cheers and see ya next time!
Artists Included:
Yuki (http://http://superninjaducky.tumblr.com/)
Siquinox (http://siquinox.tumblr.com/)
jumblehorse (http://jumblehorse.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
Looks like Babs is all grown up and lookin good~
Thanks for drawing lewds for us, you three!
Artists Included:
Yoditax (https://yoditax.tumblr.com/)
dogg (http://doggart.tumblr.com/)
verulence (http://meltedmarshmallowhorse.tumblr.com/)
Did ya draw somethin? If so, get it in the box!
Tonight’s challenge is… Babs Seed! We haven’t seen this gal in a while, wonder what she’s been up to. You’ve got thirty to draw and fifteen to submit, good luck~
What are their secrets? What are their lives? Why must we wait until October 6 to find out? Why, Hasbro, why?!
Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!
Artists Included:
majorfresh (http://majorfreshart.tumblr.com/)
jumblehorse (http://jumblehorse.tumblr.com/)
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
Submissions coming right up!