Whoa, I knew RD had a big mouth, but Baby Dash has an even BIGGER mouth! o.o Also +1000 points to Pabbles for using this mod’s favorite birb meme.

Thanks to tomatocoup, Softka, and Pabbles for submitting this morning! We’ll see you guys later for more challenges!

Artists Included:

tomatocoup (https://tomatocoup.tumblr.com/)
Sofka Ketaminova (http://ploskostnost.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)

On the one hand we have two sets of friends holding onto each others tails! How sweet.
On the other hand we have the practical purpose of moving a drunk.

Thank you to all of our participants. We hope you had fun.

And we hope you will join us back here later for more challenges!!

Artists Included:

majorfresh (http://majorfreshart.tumblr.com/)
Sofka Ketaminova (http://ploskostnost.tumblr.com)
tomatocoup (https://tomatocoup.tumblr.com/)