Those are some pretty cool looking mustaches! For RD and Rarity they seem to go with the job!

Thank you all for participating. I hope you enjoyed.

We hope we will see you back here in just a few hours for our next challenge!

Artists Included:

hioshiru (
majorfresh (
tomatocoup (

Today’s Celestia challenge is Moustaches!

There are so many styles of moustaches! Whether it be the result of a spell, added for dramatic effect or just fancy grooming, draw anypony you want with some impressive facial hair.

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Restauranting!

Restaurants in Equestria. From the smallest hayburger shack to the fanciest Canterlot gourmet, hungry ponies just gotta eat! The kitchens, the chefs, the waiters, the decor, the food! Draw anything that suits your fancy related to the general concept of Equestrian restaurants!

You’ve got 45 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!