you’ve got 15 minutes

you’ve got 15 minutes
to close off this april fools day, your luna challenge is… a pony under the effect of poison joke!
anything could happen when this plant is involved
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
Are you prepared? A luna challenge is coming!
Pepsi-lestia and bootylestia in the house!
thanks for the submissions! hope you had fun! We’ll see you again for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
dogg (
Pabbles (
let’s see the results of solar insanity!
Oh man even though the box is already open The Noid can not be stopped! Help Celestia Avoid The Noid until submissions are closed!
you’ve got 15 minutes to submit those celestias!
Oh man, breaking news. Princess Celestia LOVES Pepsi. And therefore Pepsi MAN. It’s canon people, look it up!
You’ve got like 5 minutes to finish and then the box is open!
no wait I’ve got it! the super cereal Twilight challenge is any -estia you want!
Cakelestia, Brolestia, Pro Wrestlia, protestia, molestia, the list goes on!
you’ve still got 20 minutes to do this and 15 to submit!
art sources