Submissions coming right up!
Month: May 2017
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Bow Hothoof!

Rainbow Dash’s overexuberant father, he has an unending reservoir of pride in Dashie. To an embarrassing extent. Also, access to fireworks. Are those even legal? In any case, draw some fukken’ Bow Hothoof!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
45 minutes!
Challenge in 45. See ya’ there!

What a view! The beach is looking pretty nice too. Heyooooo!
Thanks to Pebbles for submitting! And sorry again for the delays! We’ll see you guys for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Today’s late Twilight challenge is…tropical paradise! Palm trees, lazing on the beach, and drinking from a coconut cup. Nothing could be more relaxing! Draw some ponies enjoying an island paradise!
You get 45 minutes to draw then 15 to submit!
I didn’t realize I was scheduled for 2 challenges today! That’s my bad! If you guys would like I can throw up a challenge in a few!
Nothing quite says freedom like soaring through the sky on your own pair of wings!
Thanks to dnon and Tempus Fidgets for submitting today! We’ll catch you guys later for the Twilight challenge!
Artists Included:
dnon (
Tempus Fidgets (
Box is open!

Just 15 minutes to fly into the submit box!
Today’s Cadance challenge is…flyng! Whether you’re learning to fly, a casual flier, or a hardcore aerial racer, a pegasus is known for flying! Draw some pegasi up in the air doing what they do best!
You have 30 minutes to draw then 15 to submit!