55 minutes until the Cadance challenge!
Month: May 2017
No really, they’re “honest” salesmen! Really!!!
Thanks for participating, Raiscio!
More art challenges coming later!
Artists Included:
Raiscio (http://raiscio.tumblr.com)
Flim running his own business, apparently!
Thanks for submitting, Lux!
Artists Included:
Lux (http://luxlewds.tumblr.com/)
Box is now closed!
Artwork coming up!
Box is open!
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! Come and submit your Flim Flam Brother drawings!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… The Flim Flam Brothers!
A couple of travelling saleponies, trying out all sorts of gimmicks. They first made the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 which produced the most barrels of cider in seconds, but turned out to be a disappointment compared to the good ol’ fashioned brew from Sweet Apple Acres. They then made the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic, which was actually revealed to be a placebo concocted of apple juice and beet leaves, thus they were out of business.
Now, they work at Las Pegasus, originally selling tickets for all upcoming attractions, but even brothers get into fight! Until Applejack and Fluttershy discovered they were trick from their (now former) boss, Gladmane! So Flim and Flam have taken ownership now, and Las Pegasus is still going smoothly!
Meanwhile in the human world, Flim and Flam sell all kinds of knick-knacks!
Draw anything you like with Flim, Flam or both!
Your have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
One hour reminder!

Whew, looks like these pones are really getting into it. Flutters maybe a little too much…
Thanks for the draws, dnon and maudyoulook! Hope to see ya again next time~
Artists Included:
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
maudyoulook (https://maudyoulook.tumblr.com/)
Tonight’s challenge is… ponies dancing! Whoever, however, just draw somepony cutting a rug! You’ve got thirty minutes to draw and fifteen to submit, good luck~
one hour til challenge