Many unexpected potty mouths in this batch :’D small children, Twilight, Fluttershy, Derpy… naughty naughty!

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had a heck of a hoot of a ding dang good time!


Been a good bit since we had one and now that I’m back and it’s Sunday… it’s time!

So, for the uninitiated that means 24 hours of box being open and you can submit art related to old challenges (updated, did off the challenge time, et cetera), fan art of 30min challenge stuff, art made using things like cosplay and source and so on… you get the idea!

After Twilight Challenge tomorrow we’ll be posting it all! Submit as much as you like regarding whatever you’d like no matter how old!

Artists Included:

xbi (
Empyu (
dnon (
Pabbles (

mlem, is there more references to what this meme/comic is?

Sorry was catching up with a friend of mine @_@ uhhh… I think I deleted it from my stuff when I posted it.

There’s a few versions of that sort of thing around, kinda a meme. It usually involves the one who hears the swear around the ‘innocent’ one making that 😮 face for several panels while protecting them, then later the innocent one says it and then it shows them making the 😮 face again and beating up the one that swore and possibly others close by.

I didn’t want it to be huge for the challenge so I snipped bits out @_@ sorry if it caused confusion.

Today’s Late Twilight Challenge is… ‘the fuck’. Seen a few of these going around and figured it’d be a fun challenge!

Pick you a few pones and let the gasps and such begin!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

I just got home a very small bit ago from Trotcon and hangin’ out with the Pixel Ponies in Ohio. Traveling timing with schedule timing was a bit woobly, as I’m scheduled for this Twilight.

However I’ve no problem running it! Just going to be coming a little late. Lets say in about 25 minutes so it’s a round number and I can chill a bit.

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Juniper Montage from the newest EQG stuff

Draw her wearing whatever, with however, doing whatever! As a human or pony!

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~