The next challenge starts in 1 hour!!
Month: July 2017
Just one glitter horse it seems!
I wonder what spell Twilight cast to cause this… hmmm.
Thanks for participating Will! Hope ya had fun!
See everyone later for more challenge! Bye for now~
Artists Included:
Willtngl (
30 minute challenge is great, but sometimes I get over ambitious and my submission stinks, so can I just apologize beforehand?
No need to apologize! These challenges are for all skill levels and pushing yourself and seeing how fast you can get at things is all part of it. Just do your best and it’s fine!
It’s okay, Solar. Cons do that to you. After a large event, it usually takes a lot out of you and you need some time to de-CON-press.
Puns! Yay!
Also we’ve got art from the challenge held at Trotcon coming at some point. Gotta get it all scanned and such.
Today’s Late (cuz I derp!) Luna Challenge is… Glitter!
Be they a naturally glittery horse, talented at glitter, or whatever! It’s all good!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! have fun~
No pressure, but did you fall asleep? We understand entirely!!
I’m just a dumb, sorry! It’s me, Solar, still semi con status, catching up on Tumblr and spacing. I’ll have a challenge up in 8 minutes!
The next challenge starts in 55 minutes!!
We once again apologize for all of our missed challenges lately, including the two today.
All of the mods have continued to be very busy and have different levels of access to computers/ internet.
That said, we shouldn’t have any more issues this week if all goes as planned.
Thank you for your patience and continued participation!!
Thanks for participating, Nodthenarcoleptic! Let’s hope Pinkie uses a super effective Pokemon in battle!
Join us later for more challenges!
Artists Included:
Nodthenarcoleptic (
Box is now closed!
Entries are coming up!