Cadance challenge

Todays Cadance challenge is song. It seems that every pony can sing. Solo, duet, trio, quartet so on it seems that songs happen a lot so for the challenge take 30 minutes to draw somepony singing and fifteen minutes to submit their hit single to the inbox. I’ll keep my ears ready to hear the results.

Today’s Celestia challenge is Dramatic Expressions!!

Sometimes a normal reaction isn’t enough, you need to exaggerate it! This can bring about some amazing facial expressions. Draw anypony you want reacting to whatever you want!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Davenport!

Need a quill? How about a sofa? Davenport sells both. In the aptly-named Quills & Sofas. He also sells other furniture and general household goods, but oddly quills and sofas are his best sellers. Why do I feel like Twilight and Rarity are to blame? In any case, draw some fukken’ Davenport!

You have 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 to submit. Have fun!