It looks like Marble has a lovely smile. Perhaps she found somepony who makes her smile like when she met big mac. And scootaloo seems to like being part of the dash family even if its only a sort of feeling and not official.

Thank you to the artists who showed a bit of family today.

Artists Included:

Desertfox500 (
sisters-fun (http://)

Main siblings

The main six are really well known. But todays cadance is the main siblings. So for today pick one of the siblings from the mane six. Although scootaloo isn’t actually a sister she is close enough to most fans so feel free to use her.

So pick a sibling and take 30 minutes to draw them then 15 minutes to submit the art. After all the main six are really well known but their siblings all have their own life they live too.

Today’s late Celestia challenge is Gadmane!

He used to be everypony’s friend, but what’s he up to now? Has he learned his lesson? Could he find another job?

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!